Segmented communication strategy in the aesthetic treatment market
aesthetic treatment
user journey
segmented communication strategy
connected services
Design Research
connected sector
Allergan Aesthetics' Juvéderm product line plays a leading role in the aesthetic treatment market in several countries across Europe. Juvéderm places significant emphasis on educating and supporting health care professionals who perform the procedures, and on transparent communication about the product's components and the treatment details. However, they did not have a complete understanding of why someone would discontinue their treatment plan or what social, cultural, and economic factors could inhibit starting treatment.
our work
At Juvéderm's request, we conducted the research in the Lithuanian market. Therefore, after clarifying the local context and objectives, we briefed a local research firm and provided support in conducting the interviews. Based on interviews with both participants getting Juvéderm treatment and health care professionals, we defined the myths and fears related to the treatment and outlined the user journey, highlighting points where recipients might pause or back away from further treatment.
We presented the research results to Lithuanian and Hungarian stakeholders, and together we articulated possible next steps - both in terms of communication and service development. Thus, the results not only aided in the development of a segmented communication strategy but also supported the (continued) training of health care professionals.

Also worked on this project: Veronika Soós.
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Zsófia Rét
co-founder, design strategist
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