Bálint Ház
Funding model restructuring based on lifecycle models
lifecycle models
design research
Bálint Ház, one of the largest Jewish community and cultural centers in Budapest, approached us in 2020 to help them in the process of restructuring their funding model. The leadership at BH recognized that their programs were more influenced by "this is how we've done it" and "this is what's usual" rather than actual needs. The managerial transition opened the door for a refresh, fostering a broader, more appealing program range to captivate a larger audience and gather support.
our work
After understanding their objectives, the history of Bálint Ház, and its relations with other stakeholders focused on Jewish culture, we initiated interview-based research. We conversed with around 40 individuals, both Jewish and sympathetic to Jewish culture, to uncover their motivations for connecting with Bálint Ház and the Jewish community, and to identify factors leading to both sympathy and antipathy.
We developed lifecycle models about Jewish identity and created attitude-based personas to help Bálint Ház offer more precise value propositions and program offerings.
In a series of workshops with the Bálint Ház team, we designed the concept for their transformation. The new program offering distinctly caters to those wishing to connect for religious, cultural, and community purposes, considering even those groups that, while not Jewish, sympathize with Jewish culture and community due to their values or social circumstances. Today, Bálint Ház caters to a segmented audience, embracing both those who wish to uphold traditions and those engaged in innovation and contemporary socio-economic discussions.

Also worked on this project: Andrea Barát, Ábel Pocsai, Bernadett Sztanó, Edina Kovács
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Kamill Kószó
co-founder, design strategist
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